Tag Archives: vodka

Curses of the i.e.p. achievments

I.E.P. those three little letters we love to hate. Individual Education Program. aka Twice a year lets all have a collective group hug and be friends.

No. Come near me and I will poke you.

Twice a year let’s sit and reflect on what has and hasn’t been achieved and set some news goals. Whilst trying very hard not to high five anyone in the face with a chair

Urgh. Sometimes useful. “Will learn to stand in a line and wait with other children” – Define line? I never specified a straight line. So if he’s not running off down the road with no pants do we count that as a win??? You bet your ass we do.

Sometimes you think it’s useful only to find out “goals for autistic children – better in theory”

Last year the great autisitic one had a bright wee S.N. teacher full of hopes and dreams.

All enthusiastic and keen with a ton of get up and go. So it got up and left with her….last year. I wonder if I should read into that?

Before she left Little Miss Superkeen decided that an I.E.P goal should be “the great autistic one will ask permission to leave the classroom”  This will be acheived using pecs and supported by the t.a.”

He learnt how to ask permission. For. Every. Damn. Thing. He. Does.

Wants to go outside to play? Must ask. Wants to pee? Must ask. Wants to play with own toys in own room? Must ask. Opens the door to ask if he can open the door. Closes the door and then opens it. Runs outside. Has meltdown runs inside asks to go outside.

I.E.P acheived.

Another genius idea. “the great autistic one will learn to use scissors effectively” he will be supported in this by a teacher aide. There will be plenty of opportunities to practice cutting things.

Are you freakin kidding me!!!!!

Try saying that like this. I want my sugar loaded 2 year old to learn to use a chainsaw more effectively. Because really it’s the same damn thing. Nope pass on that one too.

How about “the great autistic one will share news with a buddy each morning”

What???? He can’t talk and indulges in really bizzare and inappropriate behaviour. Not to mention he lives with 2 crazy people, and a 16 year old I like to call mumbleteen and let’s not forget the dog with an i.q. of a banana sandwich. What’s he gonna share? Miming the dog barfing up half a shoe and a bag full of dorritos while he’s bouncing naked on the tramp and mumma practices drinking vodka with milk cause he poured all the orange on the floor and made pretty patterns.

Not helpful in the ‘real world of autism’

I vote we move to a simpler model of i.e.p focussing of real world goals one at a time.

Next goal. –
Social skills, self managment, fine motor skills, co-operating with others, following instructions
-“When mumma asks ‘where’s my vodka’ the great autistic one will respond by fetching the vodka and juice and pouring into a glass.” This will achevied 80%  of the time or better. With help from dadda

What say you internets people? Love or hate ’em. I.E.P.s? Ever had an acheived goal backfire on you? Let me know your thoughts.